Exposure Plan

  • Creative Graphic
  • Social Media Platforms
  • Profile Manage
  • Target Audience
  • Managing Ads Account
  • Campaign Ideas

Growth Plan

  • Exposure Plan
  • Keyword Ranking
  • Google Search Hits
  • Google Page Impression
  • Email Marketing
  • TECHNICAL TERMS: 30 manual Directory Submission Quarterly. Google analytics Account creation. Meta tags and Meta description creation and optimization. Alt Tags and Header Tags Creation and Optimiza tion. Sitemap and Robot.txt file creation for website. Budget Suggestion, configuring and Managing Google Ad words account. Blog and Article submission (Provided by Client)


  • Static Website
  • Responsive Design
  • Web Hosting
  • All Creative Work

Graphic Design

  • 2D/3D Animation Video
  • Package Design
  • All Types of Graphic
  • All business work